AlertBlast Keyword Triggers | OneCloud Support Portal

AlertBlast Keyword Triggers | OneCloud Support Portal

What Are Keyword Triggers?

A keyword is a word or phrase that people can text to trigger an action. As an example, a customer might be prompted to text your business “Discount20” for a 20 percent off coupon code. You’ll autoreply with the code and the customer can be added to your marketing list. Or a customer might text “Directions” to get directions to your location automatically.

What Actions Can I Trigger from a Keyword?

AlertBlast supports 4 keyword actions with more coming soon.

  • Text Response – Sends an immediate reply to the customer.
  • Webhook – Trigger a webhook on another application for a real-time API call.
  • Subscribe – Add the texter to a subscription list and optionally send a response.
  • Email – Sends a notification and the message to an email of your choice.

How Do I Create Keyword Triggers?

Creating keyword triggers in AlertBlast is quick and easy.

1. Click Keyword Triggers from the navigation menu. Any previously created keywords will be displayed here.

2. Press the Add Keyword button to add a new keyword.

3. Choose the Phone Number you’d like to use for the keyword trigger.

4. Choose the Action type (discussed previously in this article).

5. Add the Keyword.

6. Add the Response/Action. Based on the action type you choose this will be different.

Do I Need to Create an “Unsubscribe” Keyword?

No. “Stop” and “Unsubscribe” keywords are automatically handled by AlertBlast. Any user that replies will be added to the Do Not Contact (DNC) list and will no longer receive notifications.

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