Salesforce contacts and contact lists (known as campaigns) can be imported into AlertBlast with an easy-to-use Salesforce Integration.
1. From the Sales App (or the App Launcher icon), select Campaigns.
2. To create a new campaign, press New.
3. Name your new campaign.
Choose “type” as Telemarketing.
Other fields can be filled out as needed.
4. Navigate to Contacts either by pressing the contacts tab or searching the App Launcher. Change your list view or filter as needed.
5. Select the contacts you want to add to the campaign and hit Add to Campaign.
6. Select the campaign you previously created and hit Submit.
1. Navigate to and log in.
2. Go to Contacts.
3. Click the “Import Salesforce” button.
4. For security purposes and to protect your Salesforce data, you will be prompted for your AlertBlast password.
5. Find the Campaign you would like to import and press the Import button next to it.
6. You’ll be presented with the contacts. Make any necessary edits and hit Next.
7. You will be taken back to your contacts where you should see the newly
imported contact group in AlertBlast.
This import is one-time. If you make changes to your Salesforce Campaign list, you’ll need to do a fresh import. If you edit contacts in AlertBlast, those edits will not be pushed back to Salesforce.
If you change your AlertBlast password, you will need to reset your Salesforce configuration in AlertBlast.