OneCloud: Analytics Wallboard Guide

OneCloud: Analytics Wallboard Guide

Welcome to the call center analytics user guide. This article has been designed to help familiarize you with the basic layout, as well as guide you through creating an analytics board and some advanced features.

Accessing the Analytics Board

Note: To access the Analytics board, you need either Call Center Supervisor or Office Admin credentials. 

1. Log in to

2. Click Call Center in the navigation menu.

3. Click on the Analytics button on the right-hand side.

Analytics Board Buttons

Customize Your Board

Create a New Board

As the OneCloud analytics boards are fully customizable, you will need to create wallboard specific to your needs.  If you have not yet created a board, you will see an Add a Board button in the middle of your page. To add additional boards, click on the Main Menu button, then select New Board.

Add a Card

Choose Card Type

Choose the way you’d like to display data from the following options:

  • LINE CHART | A line graph is designed to reveal trends, progress, or changes that occur over time. As such, it works best when your data set is continuous rather than full of starts and stops.
  • GUAGE |Gauges are data visualizations best used to show a range. They are ideal for when you have a floor and ceiling value and you want to show where the value lies within that.
  • SINGLE STAT |See a single number, such as longest current wait time, calls waiting, and more.
  • TABLE |See multiple data points in a table format.
  • GRID |Allows visibility to Agents and their status.
  • NOTE |Add a text note to your board.
  • IFRAME |Embed an HTML element inside your board.

After choosing the card type, click Next to add the card data.

Note: Some datasets are only available on certain card types. See the Data Type Quick Reference at the end of this guide.

Card Data

Press + Add Data and choose the data you’d like to display from the available options.
Hovering over the information icon will display more information about that data set.

After selecting the data set, choose how to break down the data (if applicable) and any filters you’d like to have on the card.

Press ADD to finalize the data selection.


Add an alert to help bring attention to potential problems or irregularities. Press Next to edit the card style.

Card Style

Editing the card style lets you further customize the way your card displays. Options include editing the header and font sizes on the card. Additional options depend on the card type chosen. Press DONE when completed.

Resize the Card

Now that your card has been added to the board, you can resize it or move it within the board. Resize the board by clicking and dragging the icon in the bottom right of the card.

Add More Cards

Continue adding cards and rearranging them until you have the board set the way you want it.

Name Your Board

Press the pencil icon to edit your board name.

Save Your Board

Press the save button to save your board.

Note: The analytics board does not autosave. Make sure to save often while building.

Open a Board

Press the main menu icon to open a list of your boards, your favorite boards, boards shared with you, to create a new board, and to log out. To open a board, click on the board you’d like to view.

Data Type Quick Reference

Line Chart

  • Abandoned calls
  • Average Hold Time
  • Average Talk Time
  • Average Wait Time
  • Called Handled
  • Calls Forwarded
  • Calls to Voicemail
  • Call Volume
  • Total Talk Time
  • Average Handle Time
  • Peak Active Calls
  • Calls Waiting
  • Abandon Rate
  • Service Level


  • Agents
  • Call Queues
  • Calls Waiting


  • Active Calls
  • Calls Waiting
  • Longest Wait
  • Agents Online
  • Abandoned Calls
  • Average Hold Time
  • Abandon Rate
  • Average Talk Time
  • Average Wait Time
  • Calls Handled
  • Calls forwarded
  • Service Level
  • Total Talk Time
  • Calls to Voicemail
  • Call Volume


  • Agents

Singles Stat

  • Active Calls
  • Calls Waiting
  • Longest Wait
  • Agents Online
  • Abandoned Calls
  • Average Hold Time
  • Abandon Rate
  • Average Talk Time
  • Average Wait Time
  • Calls Handled
  • Calls forwarded
  • Service Level
  • Total Talk Time
  • Calls to Voicemail
  • Call Volume

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