Custom Call Center Agent Status

Custom Call Center Agent Status

Call Center Supervisors can add custom agent statuses. Pre-defined statuses are broad descriptions such as "lunch", "break", and "available". By using a custom status, the Supervisor has increased granularity on call center reports.

Note that custom statuses are defined as a period of time when the agent is "offline". Example custom statuses are "appointment" or "bathroom"; these are periods of time when the agent is not available to take calls. The custom statuses are shared by all agents in the domain/organization and are limited to 8. 


1. In the portal, with the scope of a Call Center Supervisor or above, a manager can access the UI to make a custom agent status by navigating to Settings.

Settings can be accessed in two ways:

It is available on the Call Center home screen.

Or by navigating to Reports from the Call Center screen (this was introduced in V43).

2. In the Call Center Settings modal, navigate to the "Custom Statuses" tab.

Click on the blue + symbol to add a new custom agent status. There are a maximum of 8 custom statuses that can be added. Each status can be no longer than 20 characters. Remember that all custom statuses indicate that the user is "offline" on reports.

Click on the pencil icon to edit an existing custom status.

Click Save to finish making changes. 

3. Custom statuses are available to agents in two places: in the call center agent home page as part of the portal and in Webphone under the call center tab. 


The Call Center Agent is always "offline" when they select a custom status.


Call Center Supervisors can review and report on the time spent in each custom state.

1. Navigate to the Agent Availability tab in Call Center "Reports". Click Table Settings and then check or uncheck custom stats.

2. The Agent Availability reporting table displays the new stats in a similar format to the other time-based availability statistics. 

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