Maintaining Compliance with 911 Regulations | OneCloud Support Portal

Maintaining Compliance with 911 Regulations | OneCloud Support Portal

E911 stands for Enhanced 911, and it’s the part of the 911 system that automatically ties a location to the call—whether it’s a specific address or coordinates.

What is Kari’s Law?

Kari’s Law requires direct 911 dialing and notification capabilities in multi-line telephone systems (MLTS), which are typically found in enterprises such as office buildings, campuses, and hotels. … In addition, MLTS (Multi-Line Telephone System) installers, managers, and operators must ensure that the systems support 911 direct dialing.

What is Ray Baum’s Act?

Ray Baum’s Act requires that all 911 calls must have an accurate, dispatchable location. Section 506 of the Ray Baum’s Act defines ‘dispatch-able location’ as:

Street Address: 777 N. Tryon St.

Floor: 12th flr

Room # or Zone: Room 1211/SW Corner

What is E911?

We mentioned earlier that E911 stands for Enhanced 911, and it’s the part of the 911 system that automatically ties a location to the call—whether it’s a specific address or coordinates.

Why is This Important?

It assigns a physical address to your number. E911 allows you to communicate metadata when emergency calls are made for a faster response than would normally occur. In short, e911 ties a physical address to your IP phone numbers, making it possible for Fire / Police/ other Emergency Services teams to be sent to an accurate location. If a phone is physically moved to a new address, that information should be updated immediately.

How to Update E911 Information?

Note: Only the Super Users or Administrators can add or edit e911 location information.

  1. To begin to update E911 information, go to your E911 portal at
  2. Log in with your MyOneCloud administrative credentials.
  3. Click the Provisioning tab.

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