OneCloud Connect V2.2.6 Release Notes

OneCloud Connect (Android) v2.35

OneCloud Connect Android v2.35 Release Notes

Included in this release:
Android Version: 2.35

New Features

  1. There were no new features added in this build.


  1. Add icon for agent status and also refresh queues on updating user agent status.
  2. Fix avatar initials not visible in chip view.
  3. Fix by default channel should be selected after user leaves any channel from room detail screen.
  4. Update navigation flow after create channel (Navigate to newly created channel instead of navigating to chat list).
  5. Fix Room details member list scrolling issue.
  6. Add Ability to view thread and reply on deleted channel post.
  7. Increase maximum dynamic font size threshold.
  8. Add API declaration for accessing UserDefaults, keyboard, disk space.

Bug Fixes

  1. Application quit automatically when user try to edit the meeting.
  2. Set of frequency: User is unable to create Monday to Friday meeting.
  3. Admin can give the rights of admin and remove other member on clicking on last area of name.
  4. Update toast messages when user start/stop recording calls.
  5. Foreground Service notification count is added in app badge icon.
  6. Change agent status for softphone to receive incoming calls in background and killed state.
  7. Fix the profile icon on the top left side on the app displays number instead of user Initials.