Edit Searched Object Fields in OneCloud Salesforce | OneCloud Support

Edit Searched Object Fields in OneCloud Salesforce | OneCloud Support


This article assumes you have already installed OneCloud for Salesforce.

To manage call centers, call center users, call center directories, and Softphone layouts, you must have the permissions to Manage Call Centers.

Edit Fields Displayed for Searched Objects

1. Log into your Salesforce.com instance. Go to Setup.

2. Search for Softphone Layouts in the quick find to go to the Softphone Layouts page.
If shown the “Get Started” page, press continue.

3. Either click to Edit the existing softphone layout or click the New button to create a new softphone layout.

4. In the Select Call Type section, choose the call type you’d like to edit from the drop-down.

5. In the Display these salesforce.com objects section, press the arrows to view and edit each object type.

6. Move the object’s fields to the Selections section by selecting the field and clicking the add arrow. Continue editing and moving fields as needed.

7. Press Save at the top of the softphone layout page.

For more information on designing a custom softphone layout, view the Salesforce Help article.

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