OneCloud v43.0 Release Notes: New Features | OneCloud Support Portal

OneCloud v43.0 Release Notes: New Features | OneCloud Support Portal

Configuring Call Recording Across an Entire Domain at Once

Call Recording, records audio conversations. OneCloud offers many types of call recordings including: on-demand, mid-call, call queue, and specific user.

Domain-wide call recording was introduced in OneCloud v43.


Only the Resellers' scope has access to this step.

From the OneCloud portal, navigate to Configs and search for: PORTAL_USERS_ALLOW_RECORDING

Verify this config's value is set to "YES" (enabled) for the specific domain.



From the portal, edit an existing domain or add a new domain.


On the Basic tab, across from Record, select "Yes" from the dropdown. Click Save. This will implement domain-wide call recording.

Please note that enabling domain-wide call recording disables specific user call recording. All calls under this domain will be recorded and specific users cannot be excluded.


Custom Call Center Agent Status

Call Center Supervisors can add custom agent statuses. Pre-defined statuses are broad descriptions such as "lunch", "break", and "available". By using a custom status, the Supervisor has increased granularity on call center reports.

Note that custom statuses are defined as a period of time when the agent is "offline".

Example custom statuses are "appointment" or "bathroom"; these are periods of time when the agent is not available to take calls. The custom statuses are shared by all agents in the domain/organization and are limited to 8.


  1. In the portal, with the scope of a Call Center Supervisor or above, a manager can access the UI to make a custom agent status by navigating to Settings.

Settings can be accessed in two ways: It is available on the Call Center home screen.


Or by navigating to Reports from the Call Center screen (this was introduced in V43).

Once in the Call Center Settings modal, navigate to the "Custom Statuses" tab.

Click on the blue + symbol to add a new custom agent status. There are a maximum of 8 custom statuses that can be added. Each status can be no longer than 20 characters. Remember that all custom statuses indicate that the user is "offline" on reports.

Click on the pencil icon to edit an existing custom status. Click Save to finish making changes.


Custom statuses are available to agents in two places: in the call center agent's home page as part of the portal and in OneCloud webphone under the call center tab.


NotesNOTE: The Call Center Agent is always "offline" when they select a custom status.


Call Center Supervisors can review and report on the time spent in each custom state.

  1. First, navigate to the Agent Availability tab in Call Center "Reports". Click Table Settings, and then check or uncheck custom stats.


NotesNOTE: The Agent Availability reporting table will display the new stats in a similar format to the other time-based availability statistics.

Bulk User Edit

Users can be edited on an individual basis in the portal, but sometimes it is necessary to bulk edit several users at once. The Bulk User Edit feature allows the selection of multiple users and then to edit specific values all at once. There is currently no limit to the number of users who can be selected to bulk edit.

For example, a company is creating a new department and retiring an old department. The users under the old department need to be moved to the new department. Rather than editing individual users or managing an import/export of user field values, the admin can select all of the users at once, select the new department, and the change will be applied immediately.

Bulk User Edit was introduced in OneCloud v43.


Bulk editing is enabled by default, but the type of data that can be edited may be determined by a config.

Please note that there are many fields in the user table. Some of them require configs to enable access, some require the managing user to be a certain scope, and some do not require a config at all.

This is a list of the most commonly used fields in the user table that require a config.


PORTAL_USERS_SHOW_SITEThe default value is "NO".
PORTAL_SITES_MASTERThe default value is "NO".






PORTAL_USERS_ALLOW_SCOPE_CHANGEIt defaults to "YES" when the user has a Reseller or Super User scope; otherwise, the config will need to be manually changed to "YES".


911 Address

PORTAL_SHOW_ADDRESS_BOOKThe default value is "NO".


Caller ID

PORTAL_USERS_ALLOW_EDIT_CALLERIDIt defaults to "YES" when the user has a Reseller or Super User scope; otherwise, the config will need to be manually changed to "YES".


Emergency Caller ID

PORTAL_USERS_ALLOW_EDIT_911IDThe default value is "NO".


Area Code



Record User's Calls

PORTAL_VOICE_SPEECH_TO_TRANSCRIPTIONSet this value to "YES" in order to enable the "Yes w/ Transcription" selection.
PORTAL_VOICE_TRANSCRIPTION_SENTIMENTSet this value to "YES" in order to enable the "Yes w/ Transcription and Sentiment Analysis" selection.



From the portal, select a Domain, then navigate to Users. The "Bulk Action", "Bulk Edit", and "Delete" options will display only after selecting users.


This is the Bulk User Edit modal. Select fields and values and then click Save. The changes will be applied toward all users that were selected.

In the below example, an admin is changing the department and scope fields for two users (named "Bulk Edit 0" and "Bulk Edit 1"). After clicking save, both users will now have call center agent access in the engineering department. Their previous scopes and departments will no longer apply.



Persistent Voicemail Reminder

A Voicemail Reminder is a persistent notification that alerts users by email, phone, and SMS when there is a new voicemail message. It is a critical feature in time-sensitive or otherwise urgent situations. Whether it be an elderly resident slipping and falling in a retirement facility, a renter's sink flooding in an apartment building, or a business's server going down, a persistent reminder of a voicemail message can help ensure a rapid response in any potentially serious situation.

Users will be "reminded" at a configured interval until the status of the voicemail message is "saved" or moved to "trash".  Only these actions strip the message of its "new" status.

NotesNOTE: Be careful when setting these reminders as they will continue indefinitely until the message is moved to "saved" or "trash".


1. Modify all of the configs in at least one of the sections below (enable phone notifications, email, and/or SMS). The configs with the name "source" in them reveal the feature on the Notifications page in the Portal. They do not enable the feature.

2. To enable this feature for a particular user, navigate to the Notifications page in the Portal. Complete the "Voicemail Reminder" section and then it will be enabled for that user.

3. When Voicemail Reminders are enabled, the reminder continues indefinitely until the message is moved to "saved" or "trash".

Enable Configs to Display the Feature

Different configs are required depending on the user's preferred communication format: phone, email, and/or SMS. If none of these configs are enabled, the Voicemail Reminders section will not appear in the portal.

NotesNOTE: The three PORTAL_USERS_VMAIL_REMINDERS_ALLOW_<type> configs are intended to make the corresponding setting visible in the portal - NOT to enable or disable the Voicemail Reminders functionality for a user. Targeting a specific user with any of those configs will NOT enable or disable voicemail reminders for that user.
To enable this feature for a particular user, proceed to the "Implement the Feature" section of this article after enabling at least one set of the following configs.


Modify ALL of the following configs in order to enable phone notifications:

Required ConfigValueDescription

Toggle the value to "yes" to enable this feature.

Reveals Phone notification settings in the "Voicemail Reminders" section
PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SOURCE_USERFor value, type a user in their assigned domain (e.g. 1000@domain). This user must have a registered phone number and must be in the assigned domain.Provides the originating user account for call/SMS notifications. The value must be filled out correctly for this config to work.
PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SOURCE_NUMBERFor value, type a user's number in their assigned domain (e.g. 5055551234).Provides the originating phone number for call/SMS notifications. The value must be filled out correctly for this config to work.



Modify ALL of the following configs in order to enable email notifications:

Required ConfigValueDescription
PORTAL_USERS_VMAIL_REMINDERS_ALLOW_EMAILToggle the value to "yes" to enable this feature.Reveals "Email Notification" settings in the "Voicemail Reminders" Section.
PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SOURCE_EMAILFor value, type an email address (e.g. the originating email address for notifications sent (this email address will be displayed in the "From" field of the notification email). This config is set per domain and it must have a value to function as expected.



Modify ALL of the following configs in order to enable SMS notifications:

Required ConfigValueDescription
PORTAL_USERS_VMAIL_REMINDERS_ALLOW_SMSToggle the value to "yes" to enable this feature.Reveals "SMS notification" settings in the "Voicemail Reminders" Section
PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SOURCE_USERFor value, type in a user within the assigned domain (e.g. 1000@domain). The listed user must have a registered phone number and must be in the assigned domain.Provides the originating user account for call/SMS notifications. The value must be filled out correctly for this config to work as expected.
PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SOURCE_NUMBERFor value, type the user's phone number within the assigned domain (e.g. 5055551234).Provides the originating phone number for call/SMS notifications. The value must be entered in order to make this feature work.


To Modify SMS Notifications

This is an optional configuration, done after SMS Notifications have been enabled as described above.

1. Modify the following config: PORTAL_VMAIL_REMINDERS_SMS_MESSAGE

2. Change the value with the new text that should be sent as an SMS notification. By default, the SMS notification message is: "You have unheard voicemail(s). Voicemail reminders will continue to be sent until those voicemails have been heard."

3. When modifying this message, three tokens are available that will auto-fill relevant voicemail information within the notification:

  • <uid> displays the uid (user@domain) for the voicemail owner.
  • <num_messages> displays the number of unheard voicemails.
  • <notification_interval> displays the interval before the next notification will be sent.

When using these tokens, recipients can quickly recognize crucial voicemail information. See below for an example value and the resulting SMS message.

Example config value: "There are <num_messages> unheard voicemail(s) for user <uid>. You will be reminded again in <notification_interval> minutes."

Example of the resulting SMS notification: "There are 12 unheard voicemail(s) for user 1234@domain. You will be reminded again in 10 minutes."


Implement the Feature

NotesNOTE: At least one section of the above configs (enable SMS, enable phone, or enable email) must be set to "yes" in order to see Voicemail Reminders in the portal. Then proceed below to enable this feature for a particular user.

1. In the portal, navigate to Messages >> Settings.


2. To enable voicemail reminders, check the box next to the method of communication: email reminder, phone reminder, SMS reminder. Then enter the corresponding values in the appropriate field for either email(s), 10-digit phone number(s), or SMS number(s).

Set the reminder interval with the dropdown (in minutes). This is the length of time that will lapse between voicemail reminders. Click Save when finished making changes.

NotesNOTE: If there is an After Email Notification method selected on this screen, such as moving the voicemail message to "saved" or "trash", then "voicemail reminders" will not apply.


Prioritize Calls waiting in Queue

The feature to prioritize calls that are waiting in a call queue allows greater control in how calls are being received. When a call is prioritized, it is sent to the top of the queue and it will be the next one dispatched to a call center agent. In the case of multiple prioritized calls, the calls will all move to the top of the queue in the order of "longest in the queue" first.


From the scope of a Call Center Supervisor, click on the arrow ("prioritize") across from a call in order to move the call to the top of the list. Call Center Agents cannot prioritize calls.


The caller will move to the top of the call queue list. Their Status will now have a "priority" tag. All priority calls move to the top of the call queue, in order of longest "duration".

Call Pickup/Transfer

Call Center Agents will have the option to Pick Up a call waiting in queue.
Call Center Supervisors will have the option to Pickup or Transfer a call waiting in queue.



WebHID with Jabra

WebHID leverages the communication standard of the HID Protocol and enables device inputs/outputs over web applications without device-specific drivers.

This article focuses on syncing Jabra wireless headset controls with the OneCloud Webphone. Jabra controls are supported by the Jabra SDK and integrated into the Webphone. Controls are limited to the following functions: answer call, end active call, mute, and unmute.


1. Chrome is the only supported web browser at this time (version 89 and newer).

2. A Jabra device must be selected as the user's input/output device under Webphone settings in order for controls to work. During login, new peripheral devices are detected and need to be paired. If a device is not paired, it will still function but the controls will not be active.

3. There are no configs needed.

4. Read "Jabra SDK for JavaScript" to learn more.

Pair a Jabra Device

1. When logging into the Webphone, new peripheral devices are automatically detected. If one or more devices are not already paired, then there will be a prompt to do so. If the user chooses not to pair their device, it will still function for input/output communication, but the control buttons will not function.


2. If a device is selected to pair, a prompt will confirm the action of connecting the browser to the HID device. Click Connect and if successful, a message will be shown: "Headset Paired".

3. View paired devices by navigating to the Webphone's settings.

4. After a device has successfully paired, when the user next logs in or refreshes the browser, the device will automatically be selected and a message will display: "Device connected and paired".

If a device was chosen not to be paired, but it is detected, then the "compatible headset detected" pairing prompt will display at every log-in and browser refresh unless the option to "Don't ask me again" is selected in that prompt.

Unpaired devices should have audio functionality as expected, and only the control buttons will be inaccessible.

Expected Call Behavior

Button controls vary based on the Jabra device, but this is the general expected behavior:

1. A call rings in through the Webphone and the user's Jabra headset will ring in-ear as well as utilizing a blinking indicator.

2. The user can either accept the incoming call by using the Webphone or by clicking on the headset's universal button. The headset will stop ringing and call audio will connect.

3. The headset will utilize a light indicator to show whether the user is active on a call or not.

4. The user can either end the call by using the Webphone or by clicking on the headset's universal button. The headset will disconnect the audio connection and end the call.


Q. Audio is functioning through my Jabra device, but the controls don't work. I can't answer the call, end the call, mute, or unmute using my device.

A. Check whether the device successfully paired with the OneCloud Webphone. Navigate to Webphone settings and verify that both the "microphone" and "audio output" device is marked as "paired" as seen in the example above.

Q. Audio is not functioning.

A. Check the network connection. Then check the system requirements listed in "Jabra SDK for JavaScript" to verify your computer is meeting the requirements for your Jabra device.


Tiered Round Robin Queue

Round Robin is a type of call queue that evenly distributes incoming calls. This is common in situations such as a sales office where each sales agent needs to be given an equal call volume to fairly distribute potential sales. Tiered Round Robin follows the same principle, with the exception that agents are placed into tiered groups. Note that this is not a "ring all" call queue. Agents will be rung one at a time for the configured timeout. When a tier has been attempted, then the call will ring into agents in the next tier, and so on. If the queue reaches the last tier and no agent answers, then the caller will be sent to the extension or number that is configured in "Pre Queue Options" or "In Queue Options".

Example Scenario

For instance, a call enters a Tiered Round Robin call queue that has been configured with a 10 second timeout. The longest idle agent in Tier 1 will be rung for ten seconds. If there is no answer, then the next longest idle agent will be rung for ten seconds, and so on until all agents have been rung in Tier 1. After Tier 1 has been attempted, then Tier 2 agents will be rung in a similar fashion.

NotesNOTE: Implementing this type of call queue will increase the number of potentially available agents and the likelihood of the call being answered.


1. In the portal, navigate to Call Queues and click Add Call Queue.


NotesNOTE: The following call queue configuration is specific to key elements in Tiered Round Robin and is not comprehensive. Read "Call Queue Configuration" for a comprehensive explanation of configuration options in the call queue modal.

2. Name the new call queue, designate an extension, and then across from Type, select "Tiered Round-robin".

3. In the In Queue Options tab, set the ring timeout. This is how long the call will ring into one agent before moving to the next agent. Also determine whether a call center agent should be logged out if they miss a call, and the final destination for a call that goes unanswered by all tiers.

Finish selecting options on the remaining two tabs and then click Add.

4. In the call queues table, click to Edit Agents across from the new Tiered Round Robin call queue.

5. Here is where agents are configured into tiers. Add agents to the call queue and then assign them a tier (by editing the agent). Tier 1 will ring first, then Tier 2, and so on. Click SAVE AGENT to save the agent tiers.



Customizable MOH - Comfort Message Feature

The purpose behind custom MOH (music on hold) is that messages can be stitched into the currently playing audio. e.g. While a customer is on hold, the music can now be briefly interrupted with a message, such as: "Your call is important to us. Please wait on the line and an agent will be with you shortly." This is often called a "comfort message" - a message or recording that reassures the caller to not hang up. The message can be used for advertising, for updating wait time, and more, and is configurable (time between messages, copying messages, etc.).


As an Office Manager scope or above, navigate to the domain's Music On Hold screen. This is where users can add, edit, re-order, delete, download, and copy music and messages that are played on hold. There are also further customizations here such as randomizing the music, enabling music on hold, and the time intervals between messages.

To add Music or Messages, press the respective buttons.

For Music:

Follow the prompt to upload an audio file.


For Messages:

Select from the following options: "Text-To-Speech" (type the message and it will translate it to audio), or "Upload" (a file), and "Record" (receive a call to record the message).


Other Features

Introductory Message

"Play introductory greeting" has been moved out of the Music on Hold "Settings" modal and into its own dedicated row within "Messages". This row will always be shown as the first message.

Messages for Call Queues

Call queues have an additional option for "Wait Status Updates" which come with two options: "Estimated Wait Time", which calculates and announces the estimated remaining wait time for the caller, and "Current Queue Position", which announces the current position in queue for the caller.

Re-ordering Music and Messages

To re-order music or messages, drag and drop the row. Then press Save. Music and Messages can be re-ordered at the same time.


ALG Detection Feature

Screen shot of the ALG Detection feature.