OneCloud v44.1 Release Notes | OneCloud Support Portal
OneCloud V44.1 Release Notes
New Features
- Added Snom M500 Button Builder and general support.
- Now, call blocking rules for the domain user will be applied to any user configured for allow/block. Currently, this only applies to "Users".
- Increase stability of connection-oriented communication (TLS/TCP/WSS) by storing transport type directly within device information.
- Extended the Gather verb so it can now collect speech transcripts. Added the Say verb, which uses TTS to convert text to audio sentences. Before using Gather speech, make sure Streaming speech-to-text is enabled by checking the ui config: PORTAL_VOICE_STREAMING_SPEECH_TO_TEXT: “yes” Also select the desired vendor, note that some options are only supported when using deepgram. PORTAL_VOICE_STREAMING_SPEECH_TO_TEXT_VENDOR: “deepgram" or PORTAL_VOICE_STREAMING_SPEECH_TO_TEXT_VENDOR: “google” To use Say, make sure Text To Speech is enabled by checking the ui config PORTAL_VOICE_TEXT_TO_SPEECH: "yes"
- Introduces the <Response> verb for Web Responder, enabling developers to structure XML responses more effectively.
- WebResponders will now show as a call participant in call traces.
- WebResponders can now feature enhanced security through the verification of the X-NS-Signature-256 header, ensuring data integrity and authentication. Introduced the System Property, WebRespSecret (default unset), which defines a global secret key used for signing all WebResponder requests. In addition, introduced the token, HttpSecret, for customizing the signing secret on a per-request basis via the Dial Translation parameter. This allows for flexibility in scenarios where different secrets are needed for different WebResponders.
- Added <Stream> WebResponder verb, enabling real-time, bidirectional streaming of call audio over WebSockets, enhancing capabilities for speech analysis and interactive voice response systems.
- Added additional Portal Redundancy for a smooth uninterrupted failover from the end-user perspective
- API v2 now supports full interaction with new recurring and holiday timeframes as well as all existing timeframes.
- Support for using Deepgram speech to text for Gather with “speech” input. To enable Deepgram streaming, set the following configs. PORTAL_VOICE_STREAMING_SPEECH_TO_TEXT_VENDOR: “deepgram” PORTAL_VOICE_STREAMING_SPEECH_TO_TEXT: “yes”
- Deepgram sentiment option now available. Deepgram sentiment can only be used in combination with Deepgram transcription.
- Introduced the system property WssCipherList to limit SSL ciphers for secure websockets. The default setting aligns with Mozilla's intermediate recommendation for balanced security and compatibility. Added SipTlsCipherList for controlling SSL ciphers over TLS. The default is not set, so previous behavior of unlimited cipher selection is kept. Custom configuration of the system properties allows for users to specify cipher suites tailored to their specific security and compatibility requirements. Moreover, setting these properties to an empty value reverts to the former behavior, which did not restrict the cipher suite offering. This earlier approach, while more inclusive, encompasses ciphers that may not be considered secure in current standards.
- Renamed “Configs” Portal main navigation button to “Platform Settings” and added a new tab for managing Firebase Accounts.
- Now, when an assigned reseller for a domain is changed, phones assigned to that domain will correctly change resellers.
- Prevent the creation of timeframes on Sites and Departments as they are not currently supported by the core switch.
- Added the ability to post logs from OneCloud Android and iOS apps (starting in 4.0) through the About section of the application.
- CDR exports will no longer include CDRs with No Orig Match and a 0 duration on full system exports.
- Enabled proper xml encoding for three special characters: <>&.
- Created Full Provisioning Override for Algo, allowing for transition from incremental provisioning to full provisioning or one-time full provisioning.
- If an agent receives a call and a prompt is played for call confirmation, a short No Answer T/O may disconnect the agent before the prompt finishes. To ensure this no longer happens, additional logic was added to the call dispatch, controlled by three additional system parameters, allowing the system to track on-hold/pending sessions dispatched to agents. Added three NMS system parameters to configure this feature: NoAnsPendWait, NoAnsPendingTO, and NoAnsPendPollSec.
- Added an HttpMethod dial translation parameter token to select the HTTP method used in the WebResponder request. Web responder will default to GET when unconfigured. To use POST, insert this value in the dial translations parameter field: <HttpMethod=POST>.
- Expanded logic to cover more scenarios with Grandstream devices and various gateways.
- Added the options to specify a Source Match Prefix when a Call is Transferred, by: the System Parameter <XferSrcMatPfx>, default to NULL, but recommend to set “Xfer”. This will prepend Xfer to the source matching value and can be leveraged when designing dial translations. To prevent unintentional infinite loop via the Dial Plan Chain, the “Source Match Prefix” defined here or anywhere else, including <QueSrcMatPfx> will only be referenced at the beginning of each Dial Match and NOT passed down to the Dial Plan Chain
- Introduced the WebResponder verbs Echo and Say. Echo allows for real-time audio feedback, enabling immediate playback of user input to facilitate testing. The Wait verb can be used to insert configurable pauses within a call flow.
- Fixed an issue in the Core Module, where session updates for calls waiting in the queue were not published, causing syncing problems between servers.
- Added SIPREC functionality with Call Cabinet.
- Made improvements to voicemail reminders feature to increase efficiency.
- Prevented users from setting the domain max user count to a value lower than that already present on the domain.
- Associated dial translations are now deleted from the database when deleting a domain.
- Improved use of custom statuses. Now, a custom status message will persist when going to online, offline, or single call mode but will be overwritten when going to any of the pre-defined custom statuses (i.e. Lunch, Web, Other).
- Added text explaining how many individual iterations of a config are being created upon portal config creation.
- Portal call history now displays the name of the callee when available.
- The UI config, PORTAL_CALL_QUEUE_MANAGER_AGENT_GROUPS, now also limits the agents visible on the Agents/Users page.
- Hid the "Auto Answer" button from the agent page when editing a queue using any of the Simultaneous ring options for hunting type as it's not compatible.
- A domain's area code is Now hidden or revealed depending on the UI config, PORTAL_USERS_ALLOW_VIEW_AREA_CODE (also controls area code field for individual users).
- To more intuitively handle adding a 1 prefix for US domestic calls, the logic has been moved to the following UI config: PORTAL_PHONENUMBER_US_DOMESTIC. Previously, PORTAL_LOCALIZATION_NUMBER_FORMAT dictated whether or not a 1 prefix should be added. This Config is now used only to determine how the phone number is displayed.
- Allowed Office Managers and above to see user addresses on the Emergency Address page.
- Added UI config, PORTAL_USERS_READ_ONLY_EMAIL, to remove the ability to edit email addresses.
- Dramatically decreased the size of PHP sessions to allow for replication of the sessions and improved performance.
- Improved browser caching on html files in WebPhone.
- Improved the fail-over logic to allow for additional time on reconnect attempt to the same server vs. failing down list immediately. This will improve cases like PC ‘wake from sleep’ or brief interruption due to VPN reconnect for example. Ideally, this will keep connections on the preferred server if the reconnect was not a result of an actual server outage.
- Added Node changes required to implement Firebase API update.
- Reworked how Android Push messages are sent from the platform, including the adoption of the firebase v1 HTTP API and moving from server keys to service accounts for authentication.
- Added Node changes required to implement Firebase API update.
- Improved portals local session caching speed by reducing disk access.
- Holidays in Time Frames are now properly localized to suit the language of the user.
Bug Fixes
- Improved the matching of email addresses when using SSO.
- Improved audit log for answer rules edits and ensured information is properly replicated.
- All associated cdr schedules are now deleted when a user is deleted.
- Improved the API response in JSON format for reading back recordings when there is no valid converted files.
- Corrected a case sending duplicate new voicemail email notifications.
- Corrected several issues in Call Center reports with call details when preselected queue and department fields are used. Also corrected incorrect Total row values when certain filters were used.
- Improved audit log when answer rules are reordered. The list order will now update accordingly and continue to update with multiple audit log additions.
- Corrected bug where, in cases with non-standard Call IDs, recordings did not populate when filtering by caller number.
- Improved the speed of call history lookup with MOS scores by omitting user agent data.
- Fix for NS SMS carrier not being assigned correctly, resulting in media attachment icon not showing.
- Corrected a bug that, when moving user settings from voicemail notification + move to trash to voicemail notification disabled, would save voicemail instead of leaving it new.
- Corrected a bug causing the Outbound Proxy value to be blank when accessing the phone settings page in the Portal. Now, if the Config, PORTAL_DEVICE_OUTBOUND_PROXY_TEXT, is not configured, this line will show the relevant server hostname.
- Previously, when adding a second device to an existing user, some call processing defaults (such as ForceNotify) were ignored. Now these call processing defaults are honored.
- Improved lookup of v2 event subscriptions when using access token.
- Ensured that third-party access to call recordings follows expected behavior: now if an agent (recording disabled) calls another user who has recording enabled but has checked the “hide recordings in domain level call history” checkbox, call center supervisors will not have access to the recording. If that checkbox is not selected, supervisors will see the recording.
- Added a new API config, CnameCustomIncludeDnis, defaulting to true, which will include the DNIS as a url parameter when using custom url settings for CNAM dip.
- Increased the ability for office managers to read message sessions for their domain using APIv2 and event subscriptions.
- Improved lookup of existing subscriptions in external domains when viewing as a Super User.
- Improved the use of "path" when using ftp and ftps for remote archive.
- Fixed an issue where newly created Auto Attendant dial plans were not replicated to geo cores.
- Corrected an issue where call center email reports were not being deleted.
- Corrected a case where, when reaching a fax limit, a batch of excess emails is triggered notifying of the full storage space.
- Improved API access to messaging options from higher level scopes. Office manager and resellers now can access messaging (SMS and chat) via the API.
- Corrected issues that would result in duplicate user appearance in Analytics.
- Improved phone number and dial rule addition/updating when using the new friendly responder names in v2. previously was not converting to the required real responder names.
- Corrected a call stat bug. Previously, in cases where a sim ring included a ringing device and a device returning a 486 and, on the orig end, the call was canceled before reaching voicemail or being forwarded, the call did not appear in abandoned call statistics. Now, calls fitting this case will appear as abandoned.
- Improved branding variables on export schedule requests sent to API.
- Properly tagged calls to ad-hoc conference bridges to ensure they don’t appear in outbound call stats.
- Support has been added for line key “custom label” variables [[first_name]] [[last_name]] [[extension]] for all the Button Builder-enabled phone models.
- Fixed issue resulting in incorrect line provisioning when configuring multiple lines with the same extension.
- These characters are now properly parsed withLinksysXML file format: -^{}?.
- Fixed several issues that occurred with Poly Edge B devices configured in Button Builder.
- Corrected a bug occurring when assigning BLFs with a Cascade directory. Previously, pagination buttons were included in the config file. This is no longer the case and config files now generate properly.
- Corrected a bug allowing users to login to IP-locked accounts on the Endpoints Module via MFA from an incorrect IP.
- Corrected a bug where Yealink device overrides containing these special characters did not correctly populate in config file: '^{}\ .
- Corrected an issue where system defaulted to using an extension number instead of username for the final line appearance within a device’s config file.
- Corrected an encoding issue with “&” in HTek UC overrides.
- Removed the parameter, type='master'. Previously, this was causing issues for Snom D7xx with recent firmware.
- Corrected bug concerning Poly Rove B Series. Now, if configured, the server authenticates config requests.
- Corrected a bug concerning inbound calls with "from" set to anonymous. When processed through a dial translation with the token <CallerCidNmbr> an empty "<>@domain" from value resulted in a failure to connect. Now, the empty string of anonymous is honored.
- Corrected a bug where the setting “logged out on missed call" was not respected if agent had simring enabled. Now, setting is honored regardless of simring settings.
- Improved the "Speech Timeout" handling on Auto Attendants so it follow the "No Digit" option upon failure.
- Applied System Parameter <SipRspNoMoreRoute> as Response to Caller upon No Answer T/O with no further handling.
- Previously, if a user was set to simultaneous ring with only a single off-net number, the p-charge-info header would not be included without further system parameter modification. Now, the header is correctly sent regardless of those parameter settings.
- Added two Dial Translation Tokens <SkipByDtmf> to enable playback to be skipped with DTMF <NoDtmfSkip> to disable skipping playback with DTMF Their effect is valid until the next Dial Plan is applied.
- Corrected a caller ID issue. When forwarding a 302 off-net from a device, the caller's extension number was mistakenly included in the invite.
- Corrected an issue concerning transferring calls waiting for call back.
- Added the system parameter, HGCheckDnd (default yes). This setting ensures that an agent's DND answering rule is honored within their agent (user) availability.
- Prevented ghost Hunt group creation upon incorrect “queue login" star code.
- Corrected call recording issue when dealing with callback calls over geo-remote servers.
- Prevented duplicate "P-Served-Queue" fields from appearing in invite headers.
- Changed the default for System Parameter <QueRngBckHdr> to an empty string to disable (by default) the function to add the Alert-Info header upon Ring Back from a Parking Queue. Added the parameter <QueOvrWrtAlertInfo>, default “yes”. When set to “no” Alert-Info headers already present will not be overwritten by the QueRngBckHdr variable. When yes, QueRngBckHdr will take priority if QueRngBckHdr is not an empty string and the call uses a RngBckQueue token.
- Corrected a bug preventing blf changes on the “queue toggle” key for agents (user as agent) using hard phone extensions ending with a letter.
- Ensured that wake up calls added via API are replicated across geo-nodes.
- Added a parameter, SipNewViaPro4xx (default yes). At default, when processing a 4xx sipmessage, the switch will create a new Via Branch Tag in the header of the re-invite.
- Corrected a bug which occurred when listening in to a call. If user attempted to listen in, disconnect, and listen in to the same target call a second time, the second attempt would result in no audio.
- Corrected a bug causing failures when dispatching to an agent (User as Agent) with simring configured.
- Fix an issue where entering 9, post subscriber selection in Company Directory would replay the "dial 9" prompt instead of redirecting the caller to the start of the directory.
- Corrected a bug concerning phone call persistent voicemail notification. For some users, notifications ceased to work after a period of time.
- Added improved API event subscription for messagesession, which previously only worked for sms queue sessions.
- Ensured that the configurable voicemail reminder interval is honored for initial voicemail reminder.
- Fixed a call park issue where WebPhone would not display calls parked from hardphone endpoint devices.
- Prevented users from editing the MAC from the phone's edit view. This prevents duplicate MACs from being added.
- Now, when a domain is deleted, associated 911 numbers will be deleted from the database.
- Allowed Basic Users and similar scopes to configure phones in Button Builder for all devices owned by their user. Previously, if the phone extension did not match user extension exactly (for example, had appended letters), Button Builder appeared as read only.
- Improved the extension-to-extension filter option in call history. Previously, this filter would still allow for inbound and outbound calls.
- Fixed the static sorting feature in Button Builder.
- Improved offnet agent support in call queues when using international numbers.
- Fixed bug where portal was not showing some call recordings.
- Added a warning when attempting to add a call to you using an extension that already exists. This warning is now consistent across relevant scenarios.
- Fixed a bug where the save button was not functioning properly after attempting to save voicemail reminder settings without entering a reminder recipient.
- When a group chat list of participants exceeds the height of the modal, information becomes scrollable. Previously, list would spill over to other parts of the screen.
- Corrected a bug where, if notes and call history had a line break, extra rows were created in call history export.
- Added another toggle-able field for viewing scopes: PORTAL_USERS_DISPLAY_SCOPES, default to “yes”. When config is set to “no”, the Portal will not show the users' scopes nor will it show the option to display information in table settings.
- If the window is off-screen, inbound group chat messages now cause a sound notification.
- Forced a line number selection when creating a new phone device directly for a user.
- Corrected a bug which occurred when importing numbers outside of your user's domain. In this case, changes in phone number settings using the import tool, appeared as added rather than updated.
- Ensured that correct defaults are applied when these UI configs are set on the system level: PORTAL_VOICE_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_VOICE and PORTAL_VOICE_TEXT_TO_SPEECH_DEFAULT_DOMAIN_LANGUAGE.
- Corrected a bug concerning the directory tab when viewing a config file in the portal for Yealink phones. Previously, this directory was not visible until the phone synced. Now the directory is visible after saving.
- Corrected a bug that prevented the call center page from loading if a custom status contained an apostrophe.
- Fixed an issue with emergency notifications via phone message. Previously suggestions for notification destinations did not populate.
- Resolved issue with tracking agent availability status when using per-queue login / logout.
- Ensured that devices without domain assignments can be deleted.
- Corrected a bug for emergency address export. When exporting emergency addresses from the inventory page, the first emergency address was omitted.
- Corrected a bug preventing users from deleting old scheduled call history exports.
- Improved cookie handling in attendant console by: 1) preventing the setting of a cookie with a null value 2) setting a timer to remove some cookies after 1 hour instead of adhering to the 1 day browser timeout setting.
- Fixed an issue with call center reports. Now, users can view call center reports within the date range limit defined by PORTAL_CALLHISTORY_MAX_RANGE_DAYS regardless of the date format setting configured with the UI config, PORTAL_LOCALIZATION_DATE_FORMAT.
- Fixed a bug that occurred when recycling users. After recycling, the previous user's custom status was still visible.
- corrected number formatting when importing contacts.
- Ensured that the Emergency Address map is accurate for addresses after validation.
- Ensured auto attendants and conference bridges correctly appeared in call forwarding auto-completes when configuring answering rules.
- Added new time frame capabilities for recurring time frames and holiday observance.
- Ensured that “hide recordings in domain level-call history" setting is honored. Note: Setting does not affect Super User and Reseller view.
- Ensured uniform color of presence dot on Portal and Webphone. Now, three colors will be available: -Green = Available to take calls -Grey = Offline/On Break/Lunch/Custom Status (before only grey for offline) -Red = Online but busy
- Corrected a bug where, when a queue had no active calls, incorrect data was displayed in the Active Calls column and modal.
- Corrected a bug concerning portal display of active time frames for a given user. The active tag was previously dictated by the viewing user's time zone. Now the time zone of the user who owns the time frame/answering rule will inform the active tag.
- Corrected an issue for email voicemail notifications. Email addresses containing "-" were not being saved in the portal.
- Improved call history and cradle to crave lookups in portal when Call-IDs contain a “/”.
- Now, when configuring Ring-All call queues, or any queue with multiple agent ringing, the option, “log out agent on missed call", is hidden.
- Adjusted the permission of the updatelang script.
- Corrected an issue where favorites list in contacts was not updating.
- Improved the auto complete on voicemail forwards when using a basic user.
- Properly hid "call queue" from sms inventory add/edit pages when SMS queueing is disabled via UI config.
- Properly reset UI configs and all caches when masquerading as a user.
- Ensured that users can change time frame type in 44.1: for example, changing a time frame from days of the week to specific dates.
- Added a fix for the Call History page filter time picker. It was not working correctly when using the 24-hour time format.
- Corrected an issue that resulted in duplicate voicemail email notifications.
- Corrected issues with call parks when both endpoints are soft phones registered to different cores.
- Fix for SMS conversations that start with a space within the offnet number.
- WebPhone now respects commas in URL dialing. Previously, commas in any link one clicks to call could result in call failure.
- Properly uses UIconfig as a control in showing disposition cards
- Agents who are not being rung cannot pick up a waiting queue call when it is being dispatched. To configure behavior before a call is dispatched, added a new UI config, 'PORTAL_WEB_PHONE_ALLOW_QUEUED_PICKUP', defaulted to 'yes'. Setting to no will not allow an agent to pick up a waiting caller.
- Added new config PORTAL_THREE_WAY_CALL_DISCONNECT_OTHERS_ON_END, default “no”. When set to 'yes', if a merged call is created and the owner leaves the call, the other two users will be disconnected. When set to 'no', if the owner leaves the merged call the remaining two users will remain on the call until one of them disconnects, at which point the final user will be automatically disconnected as well.
- Webphone didn’t allow users to scroll all the way through a Contacts List. The bug is now fixed and all contacts are accessible.
- Ensured that duplicate instances of Web Phone did not make repeated reconnection attempts, interrupting registration for the instance in use.
- Improved updating and synchronization of messages on outbound SMS sending
- Added missing support for 'PORTAL_AGENT_SCREEN_POP_URL' in new Webphone
- Improve the update of outbound messages in Webphone when sent from another method than Webphone.
- Corrected a bug that caused a blank time zone drop-down within the user profile section of the Portal.
- Corrected a bug that prevented Preferred Server drop-down changes being saved. Preferred Servers changes now save as expected.
- Previously, if receiving an SDP with multiple payload types for the same media name, such as 8 and 118 for PCMA, two separate lines would appear in the return SDP for each payload type. Now, the NMS only recognizes common payload types, for example 8 for PCMA. If receiving only uncommon payload types, such as 118 PCMA, the Core will return a 488.
- Tagged any call that were in the Talking state with the “Talked” tag, so upon entering Call Queue, it will be excused from STIR, even if the queued entity was from Offnet and had NOT been STIRred.
- Corrected a regression issue: in 44.0 and 44.1, calls with the “barge in” feature were not properly counted/monitored. Previously, if a user barged into a call and then hung up, an active session would continue until the call ended, this resulted in misleading BLF--showing the barger as busy even though they had finished the call. Now, the session for the barger is ended once they hang up.
- Corrected a bug where star codes used during a conference weren’t working.
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