Secure Fax: Sending a Fax

Secure Fax: Sending a Fax

Sending a Fax

1. Navigate to in your internet browser.

2. Log in.

3. When you first log in, you will be automatically navigated to the Send Fax page. If you are not on the Send Fax page, navigate to it using the navigation menu.

4. Fill out the required information on the Send Fax page.

NameEnter the name you'd like to show as the sender.
Recipient NameEnter the name you'd like to show as the recipient.
Recipient NumberEnter the recipient's 10-digit fax number.
Add RecipientClick the + icon to add an additional recipient.
Remove RecipientRemote a Recipient.
Note: This option is only visible if you have more than one recipient.
Document SubjectEnter the subject for your fax.
Document MessageEnter a message for your cover letter.
Note: his option is only visible if you have cover page enabled in the settings.
Source FilesSelect up to 5 files you'd like to send.
Supported file types: PDF, TIF, TIFF, Microsoft Word (.doc, .docx)
Maximum total size limit of all files is 10MB.

5. Press the Send button.

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