SecureFax v3 Account Migration | OneCloud Support Portal

SecureFax v3 Account Migration | OneCloud Support Portal

Account Migration
SecureFax v3 can migrate your faxes from the old portal with your username and password. 
Please back up all important data and faxes before attempting a migration.
  1. Log into the new v3 portal at
  2. Next to your username at the top, hit the down arrow and select Migrate Account

  3. A popup will display to confirm migration, if you agree hit "Migrate".
  4. Enter your username and password for the old portal and hit submit.
  5. You are done; the migration will be performed in the background if your username and password were correct.
You can refresh your inbox as well as sent faxes to see if faxes are starting to appear.  This process can take several hours to complete so be patient. 

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