Understanding Fax Transmission Speeds
Understanding Fax Transmission Speeds When discussing fax transmission speeds with clients, it's important to understand how the baud rate affects the time it takes to send and receive faxes. This knowledge can help set realistic expectations for ...
SecureFax PWA
Introducing the SecureFax PWA (Progressive Web Application) Overview Welcome to the future of SecureFax! We are excited to introduce our Progressive Web Application (PWA), a next-generation web application that offers a seamless, fast, and engaging ...
SecureFax v3 Overview | OneCloud Support Portal
Overview of the new SecureFax V3 interface Landing Page (Inbox) After logging in you will be brought to the landing page which will list your "Inbox" or received faxes. On the bottom left of the window you will see your fax number along with current ...
Sending Faxes with SecureFax v3 | OneCloud Support Portal
SecureFax V3: Sending Faxes In this article, we go through then entire process of sending a new fax, and all of the additional preferences/settings that are available. Step 1: Compose To compose a new fax, use the compose buttons located on either ...
SecureFax v3 Account Migration | OneCloud Support Portal
Account Migration SecureFax v3 can migrate your faxes from the old portal with your username and password. Please back up all important data and faxes before attempting a migration. Instructions Log into the new v3 portal at ...
Logging In to SecureFax | OneCloud Support Portal
Logging Into SecureFax v3 1. Navigate to 2. Log in with one of the following methods: Email and password, if you were migrated from the v2 platform your existing credentials should work, if they do not you can reset using ...
Fax to Email User Guide for SecureFax | OneCloud Support Portal
Receiving a Fax Incoming faxes will be sent to the email address(es) provided to TelWare at the time of activation. To make any updates to the receiving email address(es), please reach out to our Support Team. Note: Switching to Fax to Email does not ...
SecureFax: Logging In
Log into SecureFax 1. Navigate to in your internet browser. 2. Type in your SecureFax username and password, then press the LOG IN button. Note: If you don’t recall your password, you can use the Reset Password feature.
Sending a Fax with Secure Fax | OneCloud Support Portal
Sending a Fax 1. Navigate to in your internet browser. 2. Log in. 3. When you first log in, you will be automatically navigated to the Send Fax page. If you are not on the Send Fax page, navigate to it using the navigation menu. 4. ...
SecureFax Settings | OneCloud Support Portal
Customize Your SecureFax Settings 1. Navigate to in your internet browser. 2. Log in. 3. When you first log in, you will be automatically navigated to the Send Fax page. Navigate to the Settings page. 4. Customize your settings ...